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Family SOS

Accepts referrals from medical professionals, parents, teachers or other therapists


Guides parents who need support and advice about their children’s attitudes, behaviors or learning in a safe and supportive dialogue


Helps both neuro-typical children and those with autism, Asperger Syndrome, ADHD, Non-verbal Learning Disorder, or children who are too shy, too loud, too rough, too angry or anti-social and those who simply haven’t learnt how to make and keep friends, or manage relationships or life skills.


Provides support for improving self image, self control, problem solving, play ground difficulties, communication, aggression, anxiety, teen issue, etc.


Helps children manage home and school better, particularly relationships with siblings, caregivers and peers


Assists children struggling with life traumas such as moving country, house or school, losing a loved one, dealing with abuse or bullying or simply feeling overwhelmed by the everyday tasks of home or school.


Works with children individually or in pairs or groups and maintains close association with family and teachers to involve carers in planning for success


Uses interactive media such as video, books, board games and physical games, craft and drawing activities, dialogue, drama, puppets and play. 


Is taught through direct instruction, modeling, role play, imitation, prompting, reinforcement and rehearsal.


And involves the use of play therapy, behavior modification and cognitive behavioral approaches, counseling and constructive assessment, programming and goal setting.

kids support emotional/social/behavioural, counselor singapore, children's counselor, family therapy, family counseling center
kids support emotional/social/behavioural, counselor singapore, children's counselor, family therapy, family counseling center
kids support emotional/social/behavioural, counselor singapore, children's counselor, family therapy, family counseling center
kids support emotional/social/behavioural, counselor singapore, children's counselor, family therapy, family counseling center
kids support emotional/social/behavioural, counselor singapore, children's counselor, family therapy, family counseling center
kids support emotional/social/behavioural, counselor singapore, children's counselor, family therapy, family counseling center

- kids support emotional/social/behavioural

- counselor singapore

- children's counselor

- family therapy

- family counseling center

kids support emotional/social/behavioural, counselor singapore, children's counselor, family therapy, family counseling center

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Three dashes and three dots was first used in 1906 by German Government radio. It forms the letters "S.O.S." - a commonly recognised maritime radio signal for help. These letters have become associated with phrases such as "Save Our Ship", "Save Our Souls", or "Send Out Succour".

© Family SOS 2015

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